These are the links to our Speaking Group Students!
David Narvaez: http://www.geass-k.blogspot.com/
Jaqueline Davila: http://mandrula.blogspot.com/
Diego Solano: http://www.diego2811.blogspot.com/
Luar Covarrubia: http://www.luarvanessa.blogspot.com/
Rogert Fuentes: http://fontsvzla.blogspot.com/
Irving: http://irving-blog.blogspot.com/
Freddy Chavez: http://www.elnegromyself.blogspot.com/
Luisa lopez: http://luisamaria6.blogspot.com/
Luis pulido: http://www.luigi-todoesfacil.blogspot.com/
Keiron Castellano: http://crasking.blogspot.com/
Lorraine Ramirez: http://lory12.blogspot.com/
Alejandro: http://alanmagosite.blogspot.com/
Luisana Marval: http://luisanabb.blogspot.com/ and
Franklin Castellano: http://ormuz-ormuz.blogspot.com/
Franklin Castellano: http://ormuz-ormuz.blogspot.com/
Daniela Sanchez: http://www.danyvzla.blogspot.com/
Rommy Weffer http://www.bebawg.blogspot.com/
Congratulations to this group for such a nice job with the Bloggs.
Very original the comments and the pictures included mostly of films.
Keep Going! The future is Yours!
my my, no more english FOR NOW, because for my signature Competition no one knows english but in my next english i'm going to open the english blog again :P Okay?
What a nice-looking group of students! Best wishes for successful language learning from Nina in the USA.
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