Sunday, October 10, 2010

Level 5. Unit 3 Unsolved Mysteries

World Link Unit 3 
Lesson A: Unsolved Mysteries     Lesson B: Mysteries of the world

Summary of the lesson

Contents: Topic: Unsolved mysteries and mysteries of the world 
Vocabulary: Cops and robbers, puzzled 
Grammar: Stative Verbs and Adverbs of Manner 
Functions: talking about possibilities

In this lesson we'll be discussing Collocations to talk about cops and robbers

What is a collocation?

A collocation is two or more words that often go together. These combinations just sound "right" to native English speakers, who use them all the time.

Collocations to talk about cops and robbers

Arrest a criminal
Catch a criminal
Question a Criminal
Solve a crime

Break a law
Commit a crime
Have an alibi
Make a confession

1. Look at the picture on page 2. Exercise c. Write two sentences explaining what happened in the pictures. Use past tense.

Talking about possibilities

More than 50% possible
It's likely (that)....
I bet (that)....
There's a good chance (that)....

Less than 50% possible
I doubt (that)....
It doesn't seem possible (that)....
It's unlikely (that)....

1. Find an unsolved mystery.. an unsolved crime.. an unusual event.. You can google a story on the internet.
2. Write a short summary of the event. (what happened, where, when, who)
3. Write 6 sentences using the expressions to talk about possibilities.

Stative verbs
Some English verbs, which we call state, non-continuous or stative verbs, aren't used in continuous tenses (like the present continuous, or the future continuous). These verbs often describe states that last for some time. Dynamic Verbs on the other hand use present continuous tenses.

We say....I have a car.
We don't say..... I´m having a car. 

Thinking verbs: believe, know, think, understand
Having verbs: belong, have, own
Feeling verbs: appreciate, love, hate, like
Sensing verbs: See, taste, hear, smell

Other verbs: seem, look, mean, cost, need

Some verbs can be both stative and dynamic:

Be is usually a stative verb, but when it is used in the continuous it means 'behaving' or 'acting'
  • you are stupid = it's part of your personality
  • you are being stupid = only now, not usually
  • think (stative) = have an opinion
    I think that coffee is great
  • think (dynamic) = consider, have in my head
    what are you thinking about? I'm thinking about my next holiday
Common Stative Verbs

There are many more action verbs than stative verbs. Here is a list of some the most common stative verbs:

be, hate, like, love, need, belong, believe, cost, get, impress, know, reach, recognize, taste, think, understand

1. Work on the exercises in your book and workbook.

Adverbs of Manner
Adverbs of manner tell us how something happens. They are usually placed after the main verb or after the object. They often end with -ly.

Calmly, happily, neatly, quickly, slowly, clearly, heavily, nervously, quietly, strangely
  • He swims well(after the main verb)
  • He ran... rapidly, slowly, quickly..
  • She spoke... softly, loudly, aggressively..
  • James coughed loudly to attract her attention.
  • He plays the flute beautifully. (after the object)
  • He ate the chocolate cake greedily.

Remember: Stative verbs (be, look, hear, etc are followed by adjectives only)

Adverbs of Manner

1. Work on the exercise on your book. (a, b, c
2. Write  short story of a strange event.. use adverbs of manner. (what, when, where, who, how)

well, this is a summary of the most important in the lesson. I recommend you also work on the reading and listening part of the lesson. If you have any questions.. Contact me through private message or ask your partners in our group.

Keep on shining love and peace, everyone!


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