Thursday, March 26, 2009


"Free Compliments" guys from Purdue University who stand by the Wetherill Laboratory of Chemistry every Wednesday afternoon to give compliments to people passing by.

Social Skill 11: Giving Compliments

When you want to say something nice about someone, you should:

1. Look at the other person.
2. Give the compliment. Tell him or her exactly what you liked.
3. Make a follow-up statement. If the person says “Thanks,” say “You’re welcome,” in return.

Reasons for using the skill, Giving Compliments: Giving compliments shows that you notice the accomplishments of others. People like being around someone who is pleasant, friendly, and says nice things. It also shows that you have confidence in your ability to talk to others.

* Think of the exact words you want to use before you give the compliment. It will make you feel more confident and you’ll be less likely to fumble around for words.
* Mean what you say. People can tell the difference between sincerity and phoniness.
* Don’t overdo it. A couple of sentences will do. (“You did a good job at …” or “You really did well in ….”)
* Smile and be enthusiastic when you give compliments. It makes the other person fells that you really mean it.

Expressions you can use to compliment others:
  • You look ...
  • What a lovely ...
  • You speak English ...
  • I like your new ...
  • Your perm is ...
  • Where did you get that (indirect ) ...
  • You write very well, you should ...
  • I admire your ...
  • Well done, your work ...
  • Congratulations on your ...
  • Keep up the good work, ...
  • You take after your mother/father, ..
How to compliment: ESL test for intermediate level students

Taken from:
Giving and Accepting Compliments

Monday, March 16, 2009

Learning English pronounciation

This is for F.U.N... I wold like to buy a hamburger... Repeat after me...

Go ahead!!! Repeat...

Sunday, March 8, 2009

How To Keep Your Friend From Driving Drunk

Drunk Driving:How To Keep Your Friend From Driving Drunk

1. Driving and drinking don't go together... help yourself and your friends. Watch the video and tell us what you think about it. What advice do you think is the most useful to help your friends when drunk? What do you do when you are in a situation like that?

2. When-clause
In this kind of grammar constructions, When X happens, Y is the result. Read the example:

When(ever) I feel stressed, I drink some tea

It means that when you are stressed (X), you drink some tea (Y)
Complete the following sentences:

1. Whenever I go to a party with my friends,..........
2. When my friends are drunk, ........................
3. When I feel I am getting drunk,....................
4. I take a taxi home,................................
5. I feel ............ when ..........................

Smoking.. is not very smart!

Quit Smoking:Smoking: The Facts

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Talent Show!

These are some talented students. They are a model for you to add your talent. Register to voicetread and add your talent...