Thursday, May 1, 2014

Workshop 1 Words for Peace

Workshop 1
Words for Peace

1. Write a definition with your own words. Consider these:  What's peace? Is peace important? Is peace possible? What do we need to live in peace?

2. In groups. Discuss the following questions
• What gives you peace?
• Is it important to feel peace? Why or why not?
• How do you feel when you have peace?
• What are people like who have no peace?
• Have you ever felt as if you have no peace? What was it like?
• What are some words to describe feelings of peace?
• How is your attitude when you feel at peace?
• Have you needed or wanted someone to leave you in peace?
• Is there a difference between peace and satisfaction?

3. Write a composition about your take on peace.

4. Make a list of 10 words and 5 expressions related to peace.
Check the following links to find ideas..


5. Select a word or an expression to tell what you stand for... Design a small poster.

I stand for.....

6. Share your definition and your message in your favorite social network using the hashtags: ‪#‎doris3meflcenter‬ ‪#‎urbe‬ ‪#‎maracaibo‬ ‪#‎myfaceforpeace‬ #peace #IDWP

Keep on shining Love and Peace!

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