Monday, May 7, 2012

Welcome, everybody! May-Jul 2012

Welcome, everybody!

This new trimester, we will be learning in a blended connected way. But what is that? you may be asking yourself. Well, let's try to explain what it is about. To start with:
  1. It is mostly about learning and practicing your English both in your classroom and on line.
  2. You will be reading, listening to, writing and talking about different topics in English.
  3. It is about learning English using technology. That means we will be using computers, mobiles and internet to find real updated information concerning your different interests. We are going to experiment and play with new ways to learn autonomously. Learning for life. Learning to learn. Learning by doing. We will be watching and listening to videos as well as making videos. We'll have the chance to use different tools to express our ideas and interact with people.
  4. It is about learning and practicing your English in groups, in community. Be ready to meet students and teachers from the university and the world. Of course, there will be tasks you must complete on your own.
That was a general description of the course. Now, how the classes take place:
  • If you can't come to classes, you can connect at home or wherever you have access to a computer and Internet.
  • You need to get a google account, since we will using different tools provided by Google. make sure to register to GmailGoogle Doc, and Blogger.
  • Blogs are going to be your personal journals (electronic notebook). There you will post  everything we do in class. All your homework and tasks should be there. As well as anything else you want to add.
  • Every class will be a taken as a workshop or TALLER. Try not to miss your classes and if you do, keep your blog updated.
  • Homework will be assigned for each one of the units covered in class. The dateline to hand in your homework will be the day before your test. It means you will have the chance to work on your blog till that day.
  • Corrections to writing will be done with the help of tutors.. try to get one.. Go to Bloque F and meet our tutors. .or find a friend that want to help you- make sure to use the spell checker in your writing software (word, powerpoint, etc)
  • We will also use social networks to keep in touch: register to our Doris 3m EFL center group in Facebook and our Twitter is #doris3meflcenter
  • Get a microphone and headphones for this class. Register to Skype.   Add your teacher dorismolero.
  • Get an avatar we will join a project on a virtual world. Register to Second Life to get your avatar. Join our group in Secod Life: URBE EFL Center in SL and add Pionia Destiny to your friends in SL.
Things you need to do to take this class:
  • Get a Gmail account.
  • Get a blog at Blogger. For instructions on how to do just that,  get the power point presentation from our box or follow the tutorial prepared by Vance Stevens.
Well, hope you can learn a lot and have lots of fun in this class! Once more welcome everyone!

Keep on shining Love and Peace!

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