Sunday, August 16, 2009

Pionia Has got a blog!

Well, this is our first entry.. I knew Pionia would have to get a blog sooner or later... There are so many interesting things to blog about in Second Life.

Second Life... What's Second Life? many will ask.. According to their site: " Second Life is a free online virtual world imagined and created by its Residents. From the moment you enter Second Life, you'll discover a fast-growing digital world filled with people, entertainment, experiences and opportunity."

This is a great short video to tell you some basic things to go for it...

Second Life can be anything you want it to be.. But now, what should and educator do in SL? Play games? have an avatar? aren't those things for kids to play with? ... The answer is yes, and no.. Second Life is for everybody. An educators should profit from this great virtual world and be brave and ship off in an adventure in this new world.

As a matter of fact, They encourage educators to go inworld to meet other educators and learn how to teach classes, network, and interact with students in new and unique ways in the virtual world. The best part is--it's free.

The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE), is one of the many vibrant education communities in Second Life, will help you discover education-related areas in Second Life through the New Educator Pilot Program, which offers many benefits and resources including:

  • Live "Docents" volunteer assistance during regularly scheduled hours
  • Scheduled tours, speaker series, and special events
  • Showcased destinations and educational uses of SL
  • Socials to learn from other educators about how they are using SL
  • Tools to enable your educational uses of SL
  • Additional tutorials to help you land on your feet

Saturday, August 15, 2009

The British Council in Second Life

Do you want to learn English and visit the UK for free? Now you can, virtually. The British Council has created a learning zone for learners in the Second Life virtual environment. Interactive LearnEnglish activities and quests based on UK culture are available for all registered Second Life residents.

What is Second Life?

It is a 3D virtual world that you can enter and explore through your computer. You can travel anywhere you like in the world, instantly!

You can experience it now with this short video on YouTube.

What can I do there?

When you are on our island, you can:

  • learn English in different ways
  • meet new friends throughout the world
  • have fun solving puzzles and problems
  • learn about the UK
  • improve your computer skills

Who can join?

  • It's free, but you need to be over 18 years old

Technical Requirements

  • In order to run Second Life, you need a fast computer with a good graphics card
  • You also need to have a broadband (DSL) Internet connection

To register:

  • complete the Second Life orientation

For further enquiries, please contact