Monday, January 21, 2008

Common Craft videos...Excellent!

We are going to start posting a series of little videos from a series called "Common Craft Show" by Lee Lefever, which can be watched, listened to and read. They explain some basic things about using some of the tools we use in class or the use of web 2.0 tools.

Here it is the first one:

After you watch the video, tell us about how you use photos and if you think that this video is teaching you something.


  1. My name is Ezequiel Heras,the video is kind of boring but we learn some of english, and thats the point, about the photos i do share photos.

  2. this video its great...this video have a good point...ohhh i like photo but i dont like photograph of i think so..the photographs are very important 'cause other people can see our space our family, city and everything... i love see photo, form myspace or other page...danilo g-611

  3. I think that it is very important to save pictures because a life without pictures is a life without memories. At the end of the day without memories you don't have those moments that you can go back to. Therefore, it is crutial to have a backup for your pictures and in this case it is the picture uploader such as flickr or any other picture bank.
    Eugenia Perez

  4. I think the video is nice. Show the important of photos are in our lifes, and how the technology help us to take better photos with the new cameras.

    Francisco Ollarves.

  5. by the way the first comment was made by me D
    aniel Sanchez g611

  6. About the video, I think it’s a great video for some people, because most of us know what to do with pictures. And specially us that we’re studying graphic design, we make a lot of interesting things with pictures, we do no just a photo album, we create a unique photo album and in my opinion I like it the most. I also like this kind of websites because I have my photos in anywhere and anytime I want.
    *Patricia Perche G-611*

  7. Jajaja it never cross my mind that my house may burn someday and I’d loose al my photos LOL!! The virus thing it already happened to me once =(! and believe me people it isn’t pretty!! so TAKE MY ADVICE (and lee lefever's)and BACK UP YOUR PHOTOS ON THE NET, or somewhere else xD! just back them up!

  8. Hello, I think it's very interesting this way to keep and share my photos online even though I do not do this frecuently, but it's great, and this thing of saving your photos... I had never thought it that way, so... it's very good!
    Gabriel Becerra. sec:G-611

  9. I think the video was so cool and funny because the guy of video put all of things in paper and he have imagination and i think that's very good idea for save your pictures in the internet for all your life and show to my grandsons excelent thank you

  10. Well, It’s nice that we can share a piece of us with the World...because this is an easy way to make friends all over the World and also, we can appreciate countries or places we don’t know about but we are crazy about them plus photos in the net can helps us to make a better job especially wen you´re a graphic design

    g611(speaking group)

  11. name is cinthia the video it’s interesting because you can see different photos of places, personals, friends, family in public o private and save in different website for example flicker, web shots and can add tags to describe the photos... section: g611

  12. Hi my name is joselin estaba and I think the video it’s great because show us the way we can use the blog and what we can do whit the pictures and photos that we have, for we can shear whit the world our experience. G611

  13. Hi my name is Johana Reyes and I think this video is a really good way to teach us why is better to upload the pictures…I think you have a good point in there and i'm going to try to use these WebPages ..

  14. it’s a great video, I like it! xD

  15. Hi im daniel i like the video because its shows others ways to share photos whit my friends and other people... i like it

  16. i think its good because you can keep your photos safe on the web.. also you can choose if you want your photos to be private or public.. i think its good

  17. In my opinion this video is a good way to teach people to organize pictures, to share them with others around the world, and have another perception of what to do with pictures, because in the past our relatives used to save them and forget it. Nowadays we can send, modified and work with pictures. This video don't tell me something new but i am sure other people can learn because of this. Antonieta Viloria G611

  18. very nice video, easy to catch even a dog would share pictures that way. D.Sanchez

  19. I think that a good idea to save our memories from any thing that could happen to our computer or house.
    And show the people how you are.

  20. I'm Luis Raul and the video teach me a little bit about other way to save my photos. I really don't like to share my photos

  21. Hi my name is jhorgenys chavez I think is very nice video .
    I learn a lot about save photos and knows about this site is more cheaper and more practice that old way.
    Note: the video is very boring

  22. i really liked the one about no photo no memories, some times memories come a go with the time and some time don´t come very often but when you look at a picture the always come, even the smell of moment and feelings of the time the picture was taken...
    D. Sanchez

  23. i really like the comment of eugenia perez about no photos no memories, sometimes memories come and go, with time they go more often but with photo the feeling of the momente will be safe...
    D. Sanchez

  24. Hi D. Sanchez, I really liked your comment because its simple and funny. It really makes the point about how easy and fast it is to upload your pictures to the internet. Bye!
    Eugenia Perez

  25. I'm agree with D.Sanchez because in so many times i wish i had a camera to take some pictures...Luis Raul

  26. Eugenia, I really like your comment about the pictures because in my case I LOVE picture and in any time that I can I take a picture so, your point of view was really great!.
    patricia perche G611

  27. Ezequiel, I think your comment was very funny especially for your sincerity I also thing that you’re a very direct person…well bye see you on class…danielita

  28. ezequiel's commnet it's true the video it's not greate but we learn new stuff and that the point
    Amanda Perozo

  29. ezequiel's commnet it's true the video it's not greate but we learn new stuff and that the point
    Amanda Perozo

  30. I liked patty’s comment about pictures being important for us graphic designers! i totally agree with you! we're nothing without them xD! kisses byee =)!

  31. i liked eugenia comment, i believe it's truth that a life with no pictures it's a life with no memories.

  32. Wow!!! great work ... you guys... Excellent... keep up with the great spirit and have fun doing it!

    Keep on shining!
